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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Identifying my Problem

     Everyone in this world either is currently developing physically or was at some point. This is without a doubt the most important stage of a person's life, as how well they develop while young will influence the rest of their life. One crucial factor that affects a person's physical and even mental development is diet and nutrition. A certain balance of different types of foods is needed to achieve the optimal healthiness and conditions required for desirable growth. Today, far too many kids and teens are eating unhealthily, and not getting a good enough nutrition. Whether they don't get enough veggies, or enough carbohydrates, this is a very bad problem. In order to help remind kids of what kind of diet they need to be following, I plan on creating a poster of the food pyramid that they can stick onto the cover of a binder or perhaps a planner at school. That way, every time they use one of these items, which would likely be quite often, they will know what they need to be eating.

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