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Thursday, September 22, 2011

ROME Icon Project

Just some early ideas that led up to my final icons.


These are my completed icons. Can you tell which step of the design cycle each step represents?


1. When I was doing this project, I encountered a few challenges. One of these was having trouble finding the right shape to make a magnifying glass. It was also difficult trying to use the pen tool, simply because my hands were a bit shaky and it wasn't easy doing precise lines and symbols. I also had a bit of trouble coming up with ideas for some of the icons.

2.  To cope with these challenges, I had to keep practicing with the pen tool in a separate window until I had a good technique down. I used trial and error until I found a shape that could be shaped into an icon. To find find ideas for icons to represent steps of the design cycle, I had to reach deep down into the very core of my brain to extract ideas.

3. I think my icon for "evaluation" turned out pretty well. It is fairly easy to understand what the icon represents, and from there a person can make the connection that the camera can be used to take film that can be later reflected upon.

4. If I were to redo the project from the very beginning, I would  jump straight into creating my final icons, as I would already have the experience and skills needed to overcome the challenges I could expect to face. I would also know what shapes will work in order to make my icons.

5. I can take my experience working with ROME with me after this project is finished. I know now that I can always turn to it if I need to make a icon, or similar page. I will probably use it for the Grease poster project also, since I have an understanding of the tools ROME has that I can use to make an interesting poster.


"Know Your Icons Part 2 – Modern Icon Design | Psdtuts+." Adobe Photoshop Tutorials from Beginner to Advanced | Psdtuts+. PSD Tuts. Web. 15 Sept. 2011. <>.

 "Project ROME | Create a Logo." Project ROME by Adobe. Adobe, 14 July 2009. Web. 9 Sept. 2011. <>.
"Project ROME | Getting Started." Project ROME by Adobe. Adobe, 14 July 2009. Web. 7 Sept. 2011. <>.

 "Project ROME | Layout & Format Text." Project ROME by Adobe. Adobe, 14 July 2009. Web. 22 Sept. 2011. <>.

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