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Monday, January 23, 2012

My Last Thoughts on Typography

After having created my own project with typography, I think I have enough experience with it to have an opinion. Overall, I think typography is quite interesting. When done well, it looks good, and sometimes even incredible. When it comes to doing typography however, I dislike it. I find it quite repetitive and just boring. My favorite form of typography is "Drawing with Typography." When an talented artist puts enough effort into his work, it comes it well. Other forms, like Kinetic Typography, just don't seem as appealing. In a way, all forms of writing are typography. The fact that everybody has their own writing style makes it a bit like art. Made of words. Thus, writing is typography. Although it is illegal, graffiti is definitely a form of typography. It is just like writing, except that in most cases, its sole purpose is to be art. Sometimes, graffiti even looks good.

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